[Forum SIS] Contributed abstract submission for ICHPS open until June 28, 2019!

Raffaele Guetto raffaele.guetto a unifi.it
Gio 13 Giu 2019 09:34:41 CEST

Be part of the program for the International Conference on Health Policy 


to be held January 6-8, 2020 in San Diego, California! Abstract 
submission is open for contributed paper and poster presentations until 
June 28, 2019. Submit an abstract here.
ICHPS provides a unique forum for discussing methodological challenges 
and solutions in the design and analysis of health policy research 
studies. The theme for the 13th International Conference on Health 
Policy Statistics is Leveraging Data to Shape the Future. Featured 
speakers include Susan Murphy and Daniel Polsky, and the invited program 
and cutting-edge workshops includes dozens of other talented 
statisticians, data scientists, and quantitative methodologists like 
you. Submit your own abstract to join them!
Students and recent graduates: Submit your abstract by June 28 to be 
considered for a student paper travel award!

ICHPS is sponsored by the American Statistical Association’s Health 
Policy Statistics Section. We hope to see you there!

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