[Forum SIS] Invito a sottoporre articoli al Journal for Mathematics in Industry

Alessandra Micheletti alessandra.micheletti a unimi.it
Lun 22 Lug 2019 17:05:18 CEST

Diffondo la seguente informazione da parte dell'editor in chief del Journal
of Mathematics in Industry.

Grazie ad un nuovo accordo con la Springer, chi ha una affiliation presso
un centro ECMI (European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry), puo'
pubblicare gratuitamente sul giornale, che e' di tipo open access.

In Italia i centri ECMI sono attualmente:

Universita' degli Studi di Milano

Politecnico di Milano

Universita' degli Studi di Verona

Universita' degli Studi di Catania


Ulteriori informazioni sull'ECMI e sulle quote associative si possono
trovare al sito https://ecmiindmath.org/

Resto a disposizione per ulteriori spiegazioni.


Alessandra Micheletti


Some  weeks ago, Adérito Araújo, president of ECMI (European Consortium for
Mathematics in Industry), informed all members on a new opportunity to
publish within the ECMI-Springer open-access  Journal of Mathematics in
Industry. <https://mathematicsinindustry.springeropen.com/>

[image: ECMI_JMiI]

The Journal of Mathematics in Industry is a high-quality journal that
brings together research on developments in mathematics for industrial
applications, including both methods and the computational challenges they
entail. Here, industry is understood as any activity of economic and/or
social value. As such, “mathematics in industry” concerns the field as it
actually improves industrial processes and helps to master the major
challenges presented by cost and ecological issues.  In terms of theory,
the journal seeks articles with demonstrable mathematical and statistical
developments motivated by problems of modern industry. With regard to
computational aspects, it publishes works introducing new methods and
algorithms that represent significant improvements on the existing state of
the art of modern numerical and simulations methods.

In addition, online publication in Journal of Mathematics in Industry gives
you the opportunity to publish large datasets, large numbers of color
illustrations and movies, to display data in a form that can be read
directly by other software packages so as to allow readers to manipulate
the data for themselves, and to create all relevant links.

A new agreement has been made with Springer *allowing all researchers
affiliated to an ECMI member-institution to publish in our journal free of
charge to the author(s).* The article processing charge (APC) will be
waived at the expense of  ECMI.

To have access to this publishing opportunity, please contact your local
ECMI node representative to get the institutional reference code for ECMI,
which is needed during the submission process to waive the APC. You may
find your local ECMI node representative here:

Please help in making our ECMI Journal of Mathematics in Industry a success
story! Do not hesitate to contact me for further information or to answer
your questions.

Michael Günther

Editor-in-chief of Mathematics in Industry

guenther a uni-wuppertal.de

Alessandra Micheletti
Associate Professor - Probability and Mathematical Statistics

Dept. of Environmental Science and Policy - ESP
Università degli Studi di Milano
via Saldini 50, 20133 Milano, Italy
phone: +39-02503-16130
fax: +39-02503-16090
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