[Forum SIS] Conference: IFCS-2019 registration ends soon

Christian Martin Hennig christian.hennig a unibo.it
Mer 17 Lug 2019 00:21:40 CEST

IFCS-2019 - 16th Conference of the International Federation of Classification Societies - registration deadline 21 July 2019

The IFCS 2019 conference theme is ‘Data Analysis and Rationality in a Complex World’ and will take place in the Thessaloniki Concert Hall, Thessaloniki, Greece. The venue is located along the coast of the city, close to the city center and the airport. The conference opening will take place on August 26 late afternoon and pre-conference workshops will be held. The conference sessions will start on August 27 in the morning, and will close on August 29 with a full day conference program. Details can be found at https://eur01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ifcs2019.gr%2F&data=02%7C01%7C%7C9512271dd78448231bbe08d7093143a9%7C1faf88fea9984c5b93c9210a11d9a5c2%7C0%7C0%7C636987979499222208&sdata=A9KZmB369JfHs324qj4DBwzXzThHV%2B82DZD71a6Uvh0%3D&reserved=0. The deadline for late bird registration is 21 July 2019. IASC members qualify for discounted registration fees.

The International Federation of Classification Societies (IFCS) was founded in 1985 and is composed of many statistical societies all over the world. IFCS is an interdisciplinary and international organisation whose main purposes are to promote the scientific study of classification and clustering (including systematic methods of creating classifications from data), and to disseminate scientific and educational information related to its fields of interests.

The conference will bring together some of the leading researchers and practitioners in the related areas and will provide an opportunity for exchanging ideas, between researchers and practitioners, and establishing networking and collaborations. Keynote speakers include Andy Mauromoustakos, Statistician for the AGRI STAT LAB at the University of Arkansas Fayetteville campus, Julie Josse, Professor of Statistics at Ecole Polytechnique in France specializing in missing data, visualization and the nonparametric analyses of complex data structures, David Hunter, Professor at Penn State Department of Statistics working on statistical computing, models for social networks, and statistical clustering, Michael Greenacre, Professor of Statistics at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona working mostly on correspondence analysis and on compositional data analysis, Theodoros Evgeniou, Professor of Decision Sciences and Technology Management at INSEAD in France and an Academic Director of INSEAD eLab, a research and analytics center and Vladimir Batagelj, Professor Emeritus of the University of Ljubljiana, Slovenia, known for the book he coauthored on Generalized Blockmodeling. A President's Invited Keynote Lecture will be delivered by David Hand, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics at Imperial College, London and Winner of the Research Medal of IFCS.

 The conference city was founded in 315 BC by Cassander, in honor of his wife Thessaloniki, sister of Alexander the Great. Since then, and due to its strategic position, Thessaloniki has been a commercial and cultural crossroad that brought together people and ideas from all over the world. The signs of this uninterrupted urban activity for more than 2,300 years are evident in each corner of the city. Nowadays, Thessaloniki is a big, modern city, with a population of around one million, and an important administrative and financial center of the Balkans. The warm and vibrant city life is largely influenced by the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki; the largest university in Greece, with more than 72,000 undergraduate and 8,000 postgraduate students. Thessaloniki is surrounded by places of great natural and historic beauty such as Olympus National Park, Vergina, where the Royal tomb of Philip II, father of Alexander the Great was found, the autonomous Mouth Athos, which is forbidden to women and children, and Halkidiki with its beautiful sandy beaches.

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Christian Hennig
Universita di Bologna, Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche "Paolo Fortunati"
christian.hennig at unibo.it
and University College London, Department of Statistical Science
c.hennig at ucl.ac.uk, www.homepages.ucl.ac.uk/~ucakche<http://www.homepages.ucl.ac.uk/~ucakche>

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