[Forum SIS] Special issue of Spatial Demography: Exploiting fine-scale data in modeling migrants’ settlement patterns

Angelo Mazza amazza a unict.it
Mer 10 Lug 2019 11:54:42 CEST

Spatial Demography (Springer Nature)<https://link.springer.com/journal/40980>  is soliciting manuscripts for a forthcoming special issue entitled Exploiting fine-scale data in modeling migrants’ settlement patterns.
The growing availability of high-resolution spatial data on population distribution allows for increasingly more realistic analysis and modeling of migrants’ settlement patterns and the social processes that originate.
We invite you to submit your recent research exploiting fine-scale data on population distribution that might address one of the following topics.

·         Diversity and residential segregation. Do rising migration inflows–and the consequent increase in diversity - always lead to higher levels of ethnic residential segregation?
·         Housing markets. How does the increased demand for housing affect property prices at the neighborhood scale? Are some countries of origin associated with depreciation?
·         Electoral outcomes. Are electoral districts with higher proportions of immigrants associated with higher proportions of consent towards specific political movements?
·         Rural areas. Are foreign migration inflows beneficial to smaller rural towns affected by significant depopulation and population aging?

The special issue will be edited by Angelo Mazza (Guest Editor) and by Stephen A. Matthews (Editor in Chief).
Deadline for submissions to the special issue is 31st October 2019.
Please submit your manuscript through the Springer Editorial Manager system<https://www.editorialmanager.com/sdem/default.aspx>, with a note on the cover letter stating that the submission is for consideration for the special issue on  Exploiting fine-scale data in modeling migrants’ settlement patterns.

Angelo Mazza, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Demography
Department of Economics and Business
University of Catania

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