[Forum SIS] 28 gennaio, DSS Sapienza seminario G. Mastrantonio

giovanna jona lasinio giovanna.jonalasinio a uniroma1.it
Ven 25 Gen 2019 13:21:12 CET

Sorry for cross posting

Il dott. Gianluca Mastrantonio del politecnico di Torino, il giorno* 28/01/2019
alle ore 10:30* presso la sala 34 del Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche,
IV piano. Cittā Universitaria si terrā un seminario  dal titolo:


*Abstract: *
Improved communication systems, shrinking battery sizes and the price drop
of tracking devices have led to an increasing availability of trajectory
tracking data. These data are often analyzed to understand animals behavior
using mixture-type model.
In this work, we propose a new model based on the logistic-normal process.
Due to a new formalization and the way we specify the core- gionalization
matrix of the associated multivariate Gaussian process, we show that our
model, differently from other proposals, is invariant with respect to the
choice of the reference element and of the order- ing of the components of
the probability vectors. We estimate the model under a Bayesian framework,
using an approximation of the Gaussian process needed to avoid impractical
computational time.
We perform a simulation study with the aim of showing the ability of the
model to retrieve the parameters used to simulate the data. The model is
then applied to the real data where a wolf is observed before and after
procreation. Results are easy to interpret, showing differences in the two

Joint work with: Enrico Bibbona (Politecnico di Torino), Clara Grazian
(Universitā di Pescara), Sara Mancinelli (universitā "Sapienza" di Roma).

Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare

Giovanna Jona Lasinio
Associate professor Environmental Statistics
Department of Statistical Sciences
"Sapienza" University of Rome
P.le Aldo Moro 5
00185 Rome Italy
tel (+39)0649910473
skype: gjona
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