[Forum SIS] Final call for itENBIS-INRIM Workshop in Torino

Grazia Vicario grazia.vicario a polito.it
Gio 21 Feb 2019 16:12:46 CET

Dear all,

We would like to make a final call with invitation to the Joint Workshop of
itENBIS and INRIM on Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Metrology
(INRIM, Torino; 30-31 May 2019).

We have been asked with many requests to give an extension for the
submission of oral presentations. Therefore, this is to inform you about the
new deadline for the abstracts submission: 


Monday 04/03/2019.


Upon agreement with the corresponding Editors-in-Chief, Statistica Applicata
- Italian Journal of Applied Statistics, Measurement Science and Technology
and Accreditation and Quality Assurance journals are ready to host a special
issue dedicated to the workshop. The call for submission of papers to these
special issues will be in June 2019. 

Instructions on how to upload the abstracts, as well as details on
registration, travel and accommodation are on the event website
<http://www.msmm2019.polito.it/> http://www.msmm2019.polito.it/, which is
updated on a continuous basis.

Queries can be addressed to the organizers (


We are also pleased to announce that at the Workshop there will be the two
following invited speakers:

.             Anthony O'Hagan - Emeritus Professor of Statistics, School of
Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Sheffield (UK) (

.             Giulio D'Agostini - Professor of the Physics Department of the
University of Rome "La Sapienza", Roma (Italy) and INFN Roma 1 (
<http://www.roma1.infn.it/~dagos/> http://www.roma1.infn.it/~dagos/). 


On behalf of itENBIS and INRIM, we do hope to see you all in Torino in May


Kind regards,


Grazia Vicario, Francesca Pennecchi and Roberto Fontana





Prof.ssa Grazia Vicario

Department of Mathematical Sciences

Politecnico di Torino

Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24, 10129 Torino (Italy)

Voice: +39 011 090 7504; Fax: +39 011 090 7599

Email:  <mailto:grazia.vicario a polito.it> grazia.vicario a polito.it

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