[Forum SIS] Workshop announcement: BIGMATH

Alessandra Micheletti alessandra.micheletti a unimi.it
Mer 6 Feb 2019 14:14:07 CET

*Scientists, get out there!*

The BIGMATH kickoff workshop

Milano, March 11, 2019


This is the opening workshop of the MSCA-ITN-EID project BIGMATH, an EU
funded international and industrial PhD programme (

The workshop is divided into two parts: during the morning session the
BIGMATH Programme will be illustrated, the companies partners of the
programme will illustrate the Big Data challenges that they are posing to
mathematicians, and the recruited PhD students will introduce themselves to
the audience.

The afternoon session will be devoted to promote good practices of
scientific dissemination and public engagement, since this is one of the
major challenges that our society and the EU is asking to scientists of any
area of study. The talks of the afternoon session will then be addressed to
a general public of  scientists, working in any scientific field, or people
working in the academic world, who would like to undertake the adventure of
communicating their daily research in an effective way.

The participation to both sessions is free of charge, but for organising
reasons, we ask to participants *to register by February 28. *

For further information please visit the web page


Alessandra Micheletti
Associate Professor - Probability and Mathematical Statistics

Dept. of Environmental Science and Policy - ESP
Università degli Studi di Milano
via Saldini 50, 20133 Milano, Italy
phone: +39-02503-16130
fax: +39-02503-16090
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