[Forum SIS] Seminar Matteo Marsilir (ICTP, Trieste) - Padova, Jan. 10, 2020 2.30 p.m.

Patrizia Piacentini - Dip piacent a stat.unipd.it
Gio 19 Dic 2019 15:40:57 CET

The Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Padova, invites 
you to the Seminar:


ICTP-International Center for Theoretical Physics "Abdul Salam", Trieste

January 10, 2020 - 2.30 p.m.

Room Benvenuti - Campus S. Caterina
Via C. Battisti, 241

"I can calculate the motion of erratic bodies, but not the madness of a 
multitude”. Three centuries after Sir Isaac Newton (reportedly) 
surrendered with these words to the bewildering complexity of economies 
and financial markets, we still have nothing like Newton's law in 
economics. Even though we’ll never find the “equation of motion” of 
economies and societies, the collective behaviour of many interacting 
agents exhibits statistical regularities that can, potentially, be 
captured by simple models. The statistical mechanics analysis of these 
models may reveal the origin of robust and predictable typical 
behaviours, which can be compared to empirical data. This may also 
provide hints on possible determinants and some understanding on 
unintended consequences. The aim of the seminar is to present  examples 
of this approach, ranging from shadow banking, to financial crises, 
inequality and growth.

Matteo Marsili is a theoretical physicist who gained his PhD from SISSA, 
Trieste in 1994. He joined the Abdus Salam ICTP, a research center in 
theoretical physics in Trieste, as a Research Scientist, where, he's 
currently the coordinator of the Quantitative Life Sciences Section. He 
is interested in understanding how collective behaviour results from the 
interaction of simple units, be them particles in physics, neurons in a 
brain tissue or traders in financial markets. He exploits techniques 
that have been developed in statistical physics to unveil the 
"un-intended consequences" of interdependencies in other domains of life 
sciences. His research interests range from non-equilibrium statistical 
physics and critical phenomena to economics and finance. Lately, his 
interest has focused on statistical inference from high dimensional 
data, in e.g. systems biology and neuroscience, and it's connection with 
critical phenomena.

*Apologies for cross posting*

Patrizia Piacentini
Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche
Via C. Battisti, 241
35121 Padova
tel 049 8274167
fax 049 8271524

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