[Forum SIS] European Meeting of Statisticians 2019: abstract submission deadline extended

Luigi Augugliaro luigi.augugliaro a unipa.it
Mar 23 Apr 2019 17:06:31 CEST

European Meeting of Statisticians 
22-26 July 2019 
University of Palermo, Italy 
http://www.ems2019.palermo.it <http://www.ems2019.palermo.it/index.php>

Dear All,

Due to many requests for extension of the deadline, we are pleased to announce that the abstract submission deadline for the 32nd edition of the European Meeting of Statisticians (EMS19), which will be held July 22-26 2019, in Palermo, Italy, has been extended until WEDNESDAY 08 MAY 2019!

Authors are invited to register and submit paper abstracts at the EMS19 through the following link:


The program consists of invited and contributed lectures, and posters, addressing a full range of subjects in statistics and its many applications. Invited speakers include:

- Judith Rousseau <https://www.jesus.ox.ac.uk/people/professor-judith-rousseau>	(Oxford University, UK),
- Genevera Allen <http://www.stat.rice.edu/~gallen/>	(Rice University, USA),
- Gilles Blanchard <http://www.math.uni-potsdam.de/~blanchard/>	(University of Potsdam, Germany),
- Victor Panaretos <http://smat.epfl.ch/victor/index.html>	(Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland),
- John Lafferty <https://statistics.yale.edu/people/john-lafferty>		(Yale University, USA).

Furthermore, we would like to take this opportunity to express our appreciation and gratitude to everyone willing to contribute to making this edition of the EMS successful. We are eagerly looking forward to your papers, enquirers, and contributions.

Yours sincerely,
Prof. Angelo M. Mineo <angelo.mineo a unipa.it>
University of Palermo, Italy
Chair of the Local Organizing Committee

For further informations please contact: ems-2019 a unipa.it

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