[Forum SIS] Professore associato in statistica e data science (Università di Oslo)

Riccardo De Bin debin a math.uio.no
Gio 4 Apr 2019 15:32:11 CEST

Dear All,

  the Department of Mathematics at the University of Oslo invites 
applications for a permanent Associate Professorship in *Statistics and 
Data Science* with a focus on*machine learning,* see


The position is affiliated to the Section for Statistics and Data 
Science. We seek a dynamic, innovative researcher and dedicated person 
who meets the required qualifications for an associate professorship in 
statistics and Data Science, with a scientific profile towards machine 

The Associate Professor is expected to actively take part in the section 
for Statistics and Data Science as well as in the larger Data Science 
community at the University of Oslo. A *master program* in Data Science 
started Fall 2018. The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences has 
newly decided on establishing a *center in Data Science and computing* 
where researchers from different fields will join forces to build an 
international leading environment within this area. Combined with 
BigInsight, a *center for research-based innovation*, there are and will 
be great opportunities for research within Data Science in  Oslo!

Deadline for application is April 30, 2019.

Best regards,
Riccardo De Bin

Riccardo De Bin
Associate Professor
Department of Mathematics
University of Oslo

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