[Forum SIS] VARIAZIONE ORARIO Seminario Prof. Gerhard Tutz- Università di Brescia - 1° ottobre 2018

Marica Manisera marica.manisera a unibs.it
Mar 25 Set 2018 11:50:46 CEST

*/Lunedì 1° ottobre 2018/,/ alle ore 10.00 _(e non 11.30, come 
precedentemente comunicato)_/*//
Prof. Gerhard Tutz
/*Professor Emeritus of Statistics 
Munich, Germany 

terrà un seminario dal titolo:

*Explaining Success in Sports Competitions:
Paired Comparison Methods with Explanatory Variables*
presso il Dipartimento di Economia e Management dell’Università degli 
Studi di Brescia
Sala della Biblioteca, sede di San Faustino, via San Faustino 74/b

Iniziativa svolta nell'ambito delle attività del Big&Open Data 
Innovation Laboratory (BODaI-Lab) e
del Data Methods and Systems Statistical Laboratory (DMS StatLab) e 
finanziata dal
Fondo di Ateneo per Attività a Carattere Internazionale//
In paired comparison models, the inclusion of covariates is a tool to 
explain the dominance of one of the teams
or players in a competition. There are three different types of 
covariates that can occur in paired comparisons,
  the covariates can either vary over the matches (subjects), the teams 
(objects) or both. A general framework to
include covariate effects into Bradley-Terry models is presented. For 
each type of covariate, appropriate penalty
  terms that allow for sparser models and therefore easier 
interpretation are proposed. The whole framework is
implemented in the R-package. The approach is illustrated by using data 
from the German Bundesliga season
2015/16. The objective is to identify the on-field variables that are 
connected to the sportive success or failure
of the single teams. The extended Bradley-Terry model that is proposed 
uses an ordinal response and (possibly
  team-specific) home effects. It is able to take into account on-field 
covariates and, therefore, allows for
match-specific abilities of the teams depending on the values of the 
on-field covariates./

Tutti gli interessati sono cordialmente invitati a partecipare. Il 
seminario è gratuito;/
/per questioni organizzative si pregano tutti coloro che intendono 
partecipare ad inviare
un'email a marica.manisera a unibs.it//


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