[Forum SIS] Seminar Elvira Pelle (University of Trieste). Milano, October 22, 2.00 p.m

mariangela zenga mariangela.zenga a unimib.it
Mer 17 Ott 2018 11:05:12 CEST

Statistics Seminar

Monday, October 22, 2.00 pm

University of Milano–Bicocca

Department of Statistics and Quantitative Methods

Building U7, room 4026

Via Bicocca degli Arcimboldi, 8


*Elvira Pelle *

University Trieste

*Support provided by elderly people in Italy:*

*hierarchical analysis of ego-networks*

Elvira Pelle, Giulia Rivellini and Susanna Zaccarin

*Abstract: *

It is well known that the social network in which individuals are embedded
plays a key role in the study of social support, either provided or
received. Despite the literature usually investigate the importance of
having support, the role and the characteristics of the support provided by
egos to alters had not yet received the same attention. In particular, the
support that elders provide to their networks members is an indicator of an
active participation in the social life that is one dimension of the active
ageing. Providing support to a non-kin is advised as a sign of social
engagement outside their immediate family sphere; furthermore, due to the
increase of childlessness in later life, the intergenerational exchange
with a non-kin will assume a great importance, especially for men.

We exploit data from the last available edition (2009) of the “Family and
Social Subjects” (FSS) survey carried out by the Italian National
Statistical Institute. This survey supplies both relational questions
useful to investigate the personal network and data on several types of
provided and received support by respondents, with some information on the
nature and the characteristics of the recipient. The aim of the present
contribution is twofold:  we first examine the features of elders who
provide support in Italy; then we adopt a hierarchical analysis to
investigate the characteristics of both ego (the elders) and alters (people
in their network) that affect the probability to observe a support tie to a
kin or non-kin. We estimate several bayesian models to take into account
both the sparseness of our data and the overlapping of alters in elderly
support networks.

*Contact person*: Mariangela Zenga (mariangela.zenga a unimib.it)
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