[Forum SIS] seminario prof. Quintana - 6 novembre 2018 - Politecnico di Milano - Dip di Matematica

Alessandra Guglielmi alessandra.guglielmi a polimi.it
Dom 4 Nov 2018 17:37:28 CET

Gentili colleghi e colleghe,

desidero segnalare il  seminario del prof. Fernando Quintana, PUC Santiago de Chile e Politecnico di Milano, martedi' 6 Novembre alle h 16, nell'aula seminari al terzo piano del Dipartimento di Matematica (ingresso da via Ponzio) del Politecnico di Milano.  Seguono titolo ed abstract.

Alessandra Guglielmi
Title: A Bayesian Random Partition Model for Sequential Refinement and Coagulation


We analyze  time-course  protein activation data to  track the changes in
protein expression over time after exposure to drugs such as protein inhibitors.  Protein expression is
expected to change over time in response to the intervention in
different ways due to biological pathways.
We therefore allow for clusters of proteins with different
treatment effects, and allow these clusters to change over time.
As the effect of the drug wears off, protein expression may
revert back to the level before treatment. In addition, different
drugs, doses, and cell lines may have different effects in altering the
protein expression. To model and understand this process we develop random
partitions that define a refinement and coagulation of protein
clusters over time. We demonstrate the approach using a time-course
reverse phase protein array (RPPA) dataset consisting of protein
expression measurements under three different drugs,
dose levels, and cell lines. The proposed model can be
applied in general to time-course data where clustering of the
experimental units is expected to change over time in a sequence of
refinement and coagulation.

This is joint work with Carlos Tadeu Pagani Zanini, Peter Müller, and Yuan Ji

Alessandra Guglielmi
Dipartimento di Matematica - Politecnico di Milano
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32 - 20133 Milano (ITALY)
tel ++39.02.23994641    fax  ++39.02.23994513
e-mail: alessandra.guglielmi at polimi.it<mailto:alessandra.guglielmi at polimi.it>

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