[Forum SIS] PhD position at ETH Zürich; statistical models for relational event data

Amati Viviana viviana.amati a gess.ethz.ch
Gio 17 Maggio 2018 14:27:43 CEST

Dear colleagues,

The Social Networks Lab at ETH Zürich is offering a three-year fully funded PhD position studying «statistical models for relational event data», starting September 2018. The project is embedded in the research group of Professor Christoph Stadtfeld.

The PhD project will develop new statistical models for relational event data (time-stamped data of interpersonal interaction or individual behavior) and will demonstrate how those can be used to study traditional social science research questions on a larger scale. The models will be implemented in a scientific software package. The successful candidate will develop the detailed scope of the project within the first year of the PhD in collaboration with a team of supervisors and collaborators.

The deadline for applications is 30 May.

For more information about the call and the application link please visit www.sn.ethz.ch/the-group/open-positions<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.sn.ethz.ch_the-2Dgroup_open-2Dpositions&d=DwMDaQ&c=pZJPUDQ3SB9JplYbifm4nt2lEVG5pWx2KikqINpWlZM&r=uXI5O6HThk1ULkPyaT6h2Ws3RKNKSY__GQ4DuS9UHhs&m=ZflaaaVp24bymc-En9YycCL66sAWHC7kIOcsoSQDm6I&s=BoYD9D8qlNQQHanb_lvbr2jPzKIl5hGKywa-u37y0m0&e=>, or contact me by e-mail.

Best regards,
Viviana Amati

Dr. Viviana Amati
Postdoctoral Researcher
ETH Zurich
Social Networks Lab
Department of Humanities, Social and Political Sciences
Weinbergstrasse 109
8092 Zürich, Switzerland

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