[Forum SIS] Start up Research - follow up - SIS2018 Satellite event

canale canale a stat.unipd.it
Mer 16 Maggio 2018 17:28:04 CEST

Dear all, 

we are glad to announce that 'START UP RESEARCH - FOLLOW UP' will be
held on June 19, 2018 at the former Monastero dei Teatini currently
hosting the Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza (Aula Circolare A.A. Romano -
2nd floor), via Maqueda 172, Palermo. 

Start Up Research has been a 2-day event gathering early-career
researchers in Statistics and senior international professors with the
common task of developing novel statistical methods for complex brain
imaging data. 
During the follow up meeting, the groups will present and discuss the
scientific output of their works after one year of research. 

The program of the event is available at the web page  
http://www.congressi.unisi.it/startupresearch/sur2018/ [1] 

The meeting is a satellite event of the 49th Scientific Meeting of the
Italian Statistical Society that will be held on June 20-22 in Palermo. 

The participation is free but a REGISTRATION is required, using the
following FORM [2] 

For further information, feel free to contact us at
startupresearch2017 a gmail.com  

Best Regards, 
Start up Research Scientific Committee 

[1] http://www.congressi.unisi.it/startupresearch/sur2018/
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