[Forum SIS] Call for Poster: Advanced Statistics for Physics Discovery (Padova, September 24-25, 2018)

Monica Boscolo Anzoletti monica.boscolo a unipd.it
Mar 17 Lug 2018 14:59:09 CEST


University of Padova -Department of Statistical Sciences

Via Cesare Battisti 241

September 24-25, 2018

We are pleased to announce that the workshop "ADVANCED STATISTICS FOR
PHYSICS DISCOVERY" will take place on September 24-25, 2018 in Padova and
will be organized by the Department of Statistical Sciences.

The workshop focuses on statistical models and learning methods of interest
in the physics field. The workshop is organized within the main aims of two
training and research networks funded by the European Commission in the
Horizon2020 program, AMVA4NewPhysics (ITN Marie Curie - 2015/2019 -
https://amva4newphysics.wordpress.com/) and INSIGHTS (ITN Marie Curie -
2017/2021 -  <https://www.insights-itn.eu/> https://www.insights-itn.eu/) 


A number of plenary sessions with invited keynote speakers and a poster
session will be organized.

See the workshop's web page for further details:
<http://aspd.stat.unipd.it/> http://aspd.stat.unipd.it/ 


Anyone interested is welcome to submit a short abstract for a poster on a
topic consistent with the aims of the workshop. Contributions inherent to
the use of statistical models and learning methods in the physics field, as
well as general contributions in statistical methods which can be of
interest in physics will be considered. An oral speed session (3' for each
presentation) in which presenters give a brief description of the main
results of their work will precede the poster session.

Abstract submission can be made via the website:
<http://aspd.stat.unipd.it/> http://aspd.stat.unipd.it/ 


The deadline for both registration and poster abstract submission is Sunday
2nd September 


Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Padova, Room SC140

Via Cesare Battisti 241, Padova, Italy

Looking forward to seeing you in Padova

The Scientific Committee: Giovanna Menardi (University of Padova), Bruno
Scarpa (University of Padova), Annamaria Guolo (University of Padova),
Tommaso Dorigo (INFN).



Monica Boscolo Anzoletti

Department of Statistical Sciences
University of Padova

Via Cesare Battisti 241

35121 Padova

tel. 0039 049 8274161

 <javascript:void(0)> monica.boscolo a unipd.it

 <http://www.stat.unipd.it/> www.stat.unipd.it 



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