[Forum SIS] StatisticAll - Festival della Statistica e della Demografia

Marica Manisera marica.manisera a unibs.it
Mer 11 Lug 2018 14:10:45 CEST

Dear all,

StatisticAll - Festival della Statistica e della Demografia (Festival of Statistics and Demographics, see website http://www.festivalstatistica.it <http://www.festivalstatistica.it/>, in Italian) will take place in Treviso from September 21st to 23rd.

The Italian Statistical Society asked Arzanā, a company that organizes events, to create an offer with cultural and convivial moments during the 3 days of the Festival, in order to attract more participants to the Festival.

If you are interested, please contact Arzanā (Mrs. Chiara Gomirato, +39 041 2750223) for all the necessary information.

Please find attached the offer’s details (in Italian).

Best regards.
Eugenio Brentari,
Festival Coordinator


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