[Forum SIS] REMINDER: Call for Papers and Research Awards CERUP 2018, DEADLINE: Jan 22nd

Marusca De Castris marusca.decastris a uniroma3.it
Lun 15 Gen 2018 10:10:59 CET

CALL FOR PAPERS (deadline January 22nd, 2018)

The Department of Social Sciences and Economics of Sapienza, University of Rome and the Department of Political Science of University Roma Tre and the Regional Science Association of Italy organize the first international conference: “Challenges in Evaluating Regional and Urban Policy”, CERUP 2018.
The conference will be held at the Sapienza Conference Centre, March 8-9th, 2018.
Both theoretical and applied contributions are welcomed on the following main topics: counterfactual evaluation methods, spatial econometric methods for impact evaluation, policies for urban and regional economic growth, policies for economic and social resilience.
We encourage scholars to submit full papers (a complete draft, preliminary paper) about their original research by January 22nd, 2018 to cerup2018 a gmail.com  in order to present in a paper session.
Only for poster presentation, an abstract (maximum 600 words) must be submitted for review by January 22nd, 2018 to cerup2018 a gmail.com
Notification of acceptance will be sent by February 8th.

Further information will be made available on the CERUP2018’s website:
CERUP 2018 - sites.google.com<https://sites.google.com/view/cerup2018>
The conference aims to stimulate the debate on the evaluation of regional and urban policies. Both theoretical and applied contributions are welcomed on the following ...

Research Awards – ACRI Young Investigator Training Program 2018.

Sapienza University of Rome and University Roma Tre and are promoting a call for applications for young investigators who are interested in a research visiting at the DISSE Department or at DISCIPOL Department in Rome (https://sites.google.com/view/cerup2018/research-awards).
Overall, 9 research grants will be awarded to selected researchers who will:
- participate in the international conference CERUP 2018 “Challenges in Evaluating Regional and Urban Policy”, that will take place in Rome from 8 to 9 March 2018 (mandatory).
- spend a one-month visiting in one of the leading Italian departments that agreed to participate in the network.
Applicants need to meet the following criteria:
- research focus on regional and urban sciences and methodologies applied to the impact of evaluation of public policies
- aged up to 40 years
- affiliation to foreign institutions (outside Italy) to promote international collaborations and encourage mobility of young scholars.

The deadline for application is the 22nd January 2018.

All application and selection details can be found at this link:

Best Wishes,
Marusca De Castris and Guido Pellegrini

Marusca De Castris
Associate Professor of Economic Statistics
University of Roma Tre
Department of Political Science
Via Chiabrera 199 -00145 Rome
Room 4.25
phone (+39) 06.5733.5344
fax (+39) 06.5733.5782
e-mail: marusca.decastris a uniroma3.it

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