[Forum SIS] Master in data science for travel, tourism and culture

Andrea PASTORE pastore a unive.it
Mar 9 Gen 2018 11:11:35 CET

Ca’ Foscari University Venice and CISET- the International Centre of
Studies on Tourism Economics (http://www.unive.it/pag/20563/) - are
launching a Master’s programme  in data science for travel, tourism
and culture, which is the unique study programme in data science
specific for the travel, tourism and cultural sectors at international

Big Data have a strategic value for the travel, tourism and cultural
industries around the world, given the huge volume of information they
produce. Data analytics is crucial to investigate travellers’ or
visitors’ behavior and identify new business potentials. But
businesses need professionals able to integrate relevant data,
identify meaningful relationships among them and create valuable

The Master’s programme benefits from the ultra twenty-year expertise
of CISET in the field of tourism innovation - gained through extensive
research, consultancy and training activities since 1991 -  and boasts
a faculty composed by national and international academics and experts
in data analytics, data&business intelligence, computer science and
machine learning.

The Master’s programme starts in February 2018 and lasts one year. The
deadline for the submission of applications is 14th January, 2018.

For more information regarding the course structure and organization
and the scholarships please go to the Master’s page
(http://masterdatascience.piuazienda.com/?lang=en) or send an email to
masterdata at unive.it.

Andrea Pastore
Associate Professor of Statistics
Department of Economics
Università Ca' Foscari Venezia
e-mail: andrea "dot" pastore "at" unive "dot" it

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