[Forum SIS] JOBs: PhD and Postdoc, Oslo, Norway

Arnoldo Frigessi arnoldo.frigessi a medisin.uio.no
Mer 28 Feb 2018 23:31:22 CET

Two positions are available in Oslo, Norway:

1. A PhD research fellowship in statistics is available at the 
Department of Mathematics of the University of Oslo, Norway.

This PhD project is part of our research activities in model-based big 
data studies. Rather than being merely data driven, we want to 
investigate approaches that in addition exploit statistical models which 
describe dynamics, mechanisms and structures of the underlying 
processes. In this way we answer detailed and sophisticated questions 
about complex systems. The case we will work on is the modelling and 
prediction of viral marketing on a network of users: we want to predict 
if a product will /go viral/ in the market, spreading quickly through 
the network. In this Phd project we will investigate the use of 
sophisticated stochastic models and Bayesian inference to understand and 
predict individual behavior and information flow on a network.

Deadline: 20.03.2018
Details here: 

2. A Postdoctoral Research Fellow in statistics is available at the 
Department of Mathematics at the University of Oslo, Norway

The position will focus on sensor data and autonomous ships, in 
collaboration with our industrial partners ABB and DNV-GL. The project 
is targeted to develop multi-sensor, multi-scale statistical methods for 
condition and performance monitoring in real time, including anomaly 
prediction, change point detection and prediction, with uncertainty 

Deadline: 02.04.2018
Details are here: 

Best regards Arnoldo Frigessi
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