[Forum SIS] StaTalk2019 @ UniBO - 29/03/2019

Saverio Ranciati saverio.ranciati2 a unibo.it
Ven 21 Dic 2018 17:49:24 CET

To whom it may concern,

the Department of Statistical Sciences "Paolo Fortunati", University of Bologna, will be hosting the "StaTalk2019 @ UniBO" on March 29th, 2019.

StaTalk is a one-day, no-fee event format promoted by y-SIS<https://youngsis.github.io/>, the young chapter of the Italian Statistical Society, targeted at fostering networking and discussion among undergraduate students, PhD, postdocs and young researchers.

Attendance is free but registration is mandatory due to organization purposes. The registration form is available at the website of the event: https://eventi.unibo.it/statalk-2019/.

Looking forward to seeing you in Bologna!

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Saverio Ranciati,
Department of Statistics, University of Bologna
Via delle Belle Arti, 41
40126 Bologna, Italy
website: https://sav.ranciati.github.io
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