[Forum SIS] STATISTICA - New issue

Mariagiulia Matteucci m.matteucci a unibo.it
Ven 21 Dic 2018 16:59:35 CET

Dear SIS Members,

the latest issue of the journal STATISTICA has just been published.

Here is the table of contents:

"Quantile Based Relevation Transform and its Properties"

Dileep Kumar Maladan, Paduthol Godan Sankaran, Narayanan Unnikrishnan Nair

Pages 197-214

"On the Adjustment of Non-Response through Imputation for Estimating Current Mean in Repeated Surveys"

Priyanka Singh, Ajeet Kumar Singh, Vijay Kumar Singh

Pages 215-232

"A Three Parameter Generalized Lindley Distribution: Properties and Application"

Nosakhare Ekhosuehi, Festus Opone

Pages 233-249

"Statistical Inference for Gompertz Distribution based on Progressive Type-II Censored Data with Binomial Removals"

Manoj Chacko, Rakhi Mohan

Pages 251-272

"The Marshall-Olkin Generalized-G Family of Distributions with Applications"

Haitham M. Yousof, Ahmed Z. Afify, Saralees Nadarajah, Gholamhossein Hamedani, Gokarna Raj Aryal

Pages 273-295

Full-text papers are available at http://rivista-statistica.unibo.it

Best regards,

Mariagiulia Matteucci

Mariagiulia Matteucci, PhD
Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche "P. Fortunati"
Università di Bologna
Piazzetta Teatini, 10 - Rimini
e-mail: m.matteucci a unibo.it<https://mail.unibo.it/owa/redir.aspx?C=BRywg-RuykimifIAoQEEVVHyONkO-tEIovYsYiEg_NjB6atDYNMgL0s-C2S-P1WclD5LoCxlu9w.&URL=mailto%3am.matteucci%40unibo.it>
Tel: +39.0541.434137 (Rimini)
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