[Forum SIS] Save the date: First call for itENBIS_INRIM Workshop

Grazia Vicario grazia.vicario a polito.it
Lun 3 Dic 2018 14:40:46 CET


Call for Abstracts

Joint Workshop of itENBIS and INRIM


Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Metrology


INRIM, 30-31 May 2019


Recognizing the increasing need of ad hoc and innovative mathematical and
statistical tools for current and emerging metrological applications in the
several areas of the Science of Measurements, itENBIS
(http://www.enbis.org/about/ln/itenbis/index) and INRIM
(https://www.inrim.it/) propose a joint Workshop on Mathematical and
Statistical Methods for Metrology. 

Highlights of the workshop include invited speakers, organized and free
contribute sessions concerning the main topics of Mathematics and Statistics
for metrological applications. Session topics include but are not limited


- Interlaboratory data evaluation 

- Uncertainty and measurement quality evaluation 

- Regression and inverse models 

- High dimensional, dynamic and complex models 

- Bayesian models 

- Simulated experiments and computational methods 

- Machine Learning, artificial intelligence and Big Data analytics 

- Statistical engineering 

- Design of experiments 

- Sampling and sequential design 

- Time series analysis 

- Conformity assessment, reliability and quality control 

- Chemometrics 

- Biostatistics 


Instructions on when and how to upload the abstracts, as well as details on
registration, travel and accommodation will be issued shortly on the website
of the Workshop. For the moment, we kindly ask you to save the following

- 18 February 2019 - submission of a title and an extended abstract (max 2
pages) including main references and keynotes 

- 15 March 2019 - acceptance notification to the authors 

- 3 May 2019 - last date for the payment of the registration fees 

- 30-31 May 2019 - Workshop at the INRIM 

- In June - call for submission of paper to special issue of relevant
scientific journals 


Queries can be addressed to Grazia Vicario (grazia.vicario a polito.it) or
Francesca Pennecchi (f.pennecchi a inrim.it). On behalf of itENBIS and INRIM,
we hope to see you all in Torino in May 2019! 


Grazia Vicario and Francesca Pennecchi



Prof.ssa Grazia Vicario

Department of Mathematical Sciences

Politecnico di Torino

Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24, 10129 Torino (Italy)

Voice: +39 011 090 7504; Fax: +39 011 090 7599

Email:  <mailto:grazia.vicario a polito.it> grazia.vicario a polito.it

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