[Forum SIS] SEMINARS Theodore J. Gordon

Simone Di Zio s.dizio a unich.it
Ven 27 Apr 2018 00:35:53 CEST



THEODORE J. GORDON (Co-founder and Board member of The Millennium Project)

1) Wednesday, 2 May 2018 ? 4:00 PM - ?The Future Evolution of Delphi Methods?

2) Thursday, 3 May 2018 ? 11:00 AM - ?The Future Evolution of Scenarios?

University ?G. d?Annunzio? Chieti-Pescara.
Viale Pindaro 42 (Pescara) CDE Room

Info: Simone Di Zio - s.dizio a unich.it


is a futurist and management consultant. He is an expert in several  
high technology fields, a graduate engineer, a specialist in planning  
and policy analysis. His current professional activities include  
consulting on strategy for major corporations, lecturing, serving as a  
Director of the Millennium Project which he co-founded. He has  
participated on the corporate boards of Apollo Genetics, the Institute  
for Global Ethics, Registry Databases. He formed The Futures Group in  
1971. As CEO and Chairman, he led the firm for 20 years. He has been  
in charge of hundreds of studies for US and government agencies as  
well as insurance, computer, banking, communications, advertising,  
automobile, pharmaceutical and chemical companies.

Mr. Gordon was Chief Engineer of the McDonnell Douglas Saturn V third  
stage space vehicle, director of Advanced Space Stations and Planetary  
Systems, the advanced design function of the division. He was also in  
charge of the launch of early ballistic missiles and space vehicles  
from Cape Canaveral. Consultant to RAND mathematics department where  
he performed early research on the Delphi method. Regents Professor at  
the UCLA Graduate School of Business and wrote the first paper  
describing cross impact analysis.

He co-authored all of the Millennium Project?s annual State of the  
Future reports and many of its special studies. including studies of  
ethics, science, and technology management, methodology development,  
decision making, Middle East peace strategies, energy alternatives,  
and the design of rapid decision analysis systems. He has been at the  
forefront of development of forecasting and analysis methodology,  
including the development of the Cross Impact Method, Trend Impact  
Analysis, the State of the Future Index (SOFI) and, most recently, the  
Real Time Delphi.

In these seminars he will lead discussions on where two of the most  
important Futures Research tools may be heading in the near term.


Dr. Simone Di Zio
Researcher in Social Statistics
Co-chair Italian Node of The Millennium Project
Department of Legal and Social Sciences
University "G. d'Annunzio", Chieti-Pescara
Viale Pindaro, 42 - 65127 - Pescara (Italy)
tel. 085.453.7978
E-mail: s.dizio a unich.it

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