[Forum SIS] Autumn Course in Official Statistics 9-12 October, Dpt Statistical Sciences, Sapienza University of Rome

maurizio.vichi a uniroma1.it maurizio.vichi a uniroma1.it
Mer 27 Set 2017 07:50:31 CEST

Autumn Course in Official Statistics
Department of Statistical Sciences

Sapienza University Rome,

V.le dell'Università 36, Aula 14 (Palazzina Tuminelli)

9. – 12. October 2017

Science, Statistics, Society: Official Statistics in the Digital Age

Walter J. Radermacher                                                                                                     

Summary:  Since the beginning of the 19th century, official statistics - as one child of the enlightenment - has grown and developed side by side with the different forms of the modern state. Desrosières uses the term ‘mutual co-construction’ for three interlinked phenomena, a theory of the state, interventions of the state and quantification of variables specifically targeted by policy measures. ‘Fitness for purpose’ is the guiding principle of statistical quality, depending on relevance (for societal questions), consistency (with theory), measurability (reliability, timeliness, etc.), ensuring confidence in statistical information. The digital age contains opportunities and challenges, which go far beyond methodological/technical questions. Official statistics must run through a process of fast adaption to this new environment. In order to get the balance right between continuity and change, one can learn from historical episodes, thus renewing our knowledge of the ‘politics of large numbers’.

Monday 9 October 2017, Aula 14, 10:15 – 10:30 Opening 

Dott. Giovanni Barbieri, ISTAT

Prof. Maurizio Vichi, Head of the Department of Statistical Sciences.

Aula 14: 10:30 – 12:30 

Lecture 1: Scientific frameworks for the coproduction of statistics and society: epistemology, governance, quantification

Tuesday, 10 October 2017, Aula 14, 10:30 – 12:30

Lecture 2: History and current political-societal environment of official statistics

Wednesday, 11 October 2017, Aula 14, 10:30 – 12:30

Lecture 3: Approaches to quantify Sustainable Development, science driven, data driven and politically driven initiatives

Thursday, 12 October 2017, Aula 14, 10:30 – 12:30

Lecture 4: The future role of official statistics, possible guidelines and necessary changes/initiatives, review of statistical governance in the Digital Age

Due to the limited number of seats in the room, we kindly ask to confirm your participation
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