[Forum SIS] Workshop: Exploring sub-national effects on socio-demographic phenomena with European Social Survey data

Arpino, Bruno bruno.arpino a upf.edu
Mer 20 Set 2017 12:23:15 CEST

Dear all,

we invite submissions to the following ESS ERIC Academic Publishing

*"Going beyond the country: Exploring sub-national effects on
socio-demographic phenomena with European Social Survey data"*

*18-19 January 2018, University of Southampton*


Individuals' decisions, values and attitudes are influenced by the context
in which they are embedded. Often, socio-demographic studies analyse how
specific attitudes or behaviours (e.g. timing of life-course event,
attitudes towards immigration, gender equality, etc.) vary geographically
across countries. However, for several outcomes the regional context may
exert more influence than the national one. The European Social Survey
proves to be a unique source of comparable socio-demographic data for
mapping and understanding geographical differences in behaviours and
attitudes across and within European countries. We invite contributions
which make use of European Social Survey (ESS) data and propose to explore
the sub-national dimension in socio-demographic outcomes including (but not
restricted to): family; fertility; gender; migrants; ageing; health and
wellbeing. We especially welcome contributions which make use of multilevel
and spatial regression models.

The workshop will bring together academics who are interested in exploring
the sub-national dimension in socio-demographic studies and will promote
ESS as an invaluable instrument in this respect. The aims of the workshop

• To reflect on the role of sub-national contexts for explaining
differences in socio-demographic attitudes and behaviours across Europe;
• To discuss how new attitudes and behaviours spread spatially across
geographical areas that may overcome national boundaries;
• To discuss how multilevel and spatial models can be fruitfully applied to
study the regional vs. national influence on individuals’ outcomes.


*18 January (afternoon only)*

Short course: Introduction to multilevel and spatial modelling

The course introduces the key ideas in multilevel and spatial analysis. The
focus will be on the advantages and disadvantages of the two approaches
from a substantive point of view and will be illustrated with examples from
the social sciences. Limitations of the application of multilevel and
spatial models to ESS data will be discussed.

*19 January (all day)*

Presentations of research papers
Panel discussion on opportunities and challenges of exploring the
sub-national dimension using ESS data.

*How to apply*

Please submit an original extended abstract (5 pages maximum) or a full
paper to: ess-apw a soton.ac.uk by no later than 15 November 2017.
In the email please specify: name, surname, affiliation and current
position of the applicant(s).


No fee is required to participate in the workshop. Lunches and coffee
breaks will be provided, but participants are expected to cover their own
travel and accommodation costs. A limited number of travel and
accommodation grants are available (preference will be given to
early-career researchers). Please specify whether you would like to apply
for a travel grant when submitting an application. Decision will be made by
30 November 2017.


Dr. Agnese Vitali, University of Southampton and ESRC Centre for Population
Dr. Bruno Arpino, Pompeu Fabra University

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 676166.

Best regards,

Bruno Arpino

*Bruno Arpino*

Department of Political and Social Sciences and The Research and Expertise
Centre for Survey Methodology (RECSM), Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Carrer Ramon Trias Fargas 25-27 | 08005 - Barcelona
Website: https://sites.google.com/site/brunoarpino/
Twitter:   https://twitter.com/brunoarpinoBCN


Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona]

Recent publications:

   - *Arpino B.* and Valk, H.A.G. de (forthcoming) Comparing life
   satisfaction of immigrants and natives across Europe: The role of social
   contacts, Social Indicators Research
   on-line first 20 April 2017; doi: 10.1007/s11205-017-1629-x
   - *Arpino B.*, and Bordone V. (2017) Regular provision of grandchild
   care and participation in social activities, Review of Economics of the
   ,15(1), 135–174.
   - *Arpino B.*, De Benedictis L. and Mattei, A. (2017) Implementing
   Propensity Score Matching with Network Data: The effect of GATT on
   bilateral trade. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society - C
   <http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/rssc.12173/abstract>, 66(3),
   - Bordone V., *Arpino B.,* and Aassve A. (2017) Patterns of
   grandparental childcare across Europe: the role of the policy context and
   working mothers’ need, Ageing & Society
   ,37(4), 845-873.
   - *Balbo N., and Arpino B. (2016) The role of family orientations in
   shaping the effect of fertility on subjective well-being: a propensity
   score matching analysis, Demography
   <http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13524-016-0480-z>, 53(4),
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