[Forum SIS] 2018 ABS Summer School on Bayes and Sport (Como, Italy)

Raffaele Argiento raffaele.argiento a unito.it
Gio 30 Nov 2017 14:10:54 CET

We are glad to announce that the 2018 Applied Bayesian Statistics Summer
School (15th edition) will be held in the magnificent Villa del Grumello,
Como (Italy) along the Lake Como shore.

                        4-8 June, 2018

Lecturer: Kerrie MENGERSEN, Distinguished Professor of Statistics,
Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia.

Further details are provided below.

Guido Consonni and Fabrizio Ruggeri
ABS18 Directors
Raffaele Argiento
ABS18 Executive Director


 *            ABS18                 *

Applied Bayesian Statistics School
Villa del Grumello, Como, Italy
4-8 June, 2018

Lecturer: Kerrie MENGERSEN, Distinguished Professor of Statistics,
Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia.

The conference webpage is
>>>>   web.mi.imati.cnr.it/conferences/abs18.html   <<<<

Registration is now open. Please note that the conference room allows only
for a limited number of participants.

The ABS18 Secretariat can be contacted at  fabrizio a mi.imati.cnr.it

The aim of this course is to increase students' ability to develop Bayesian
models and computational solutions for real problems in the world of sport.
A case study based teaching approach will be taken for the course. Each
day, students will be presented with one or two problems posed by Sports
Institutes regarding aspects of athlete training for world games. Through
participatory problem solving, the students will be challenged to learn
about theory, methods and applications of a range of Bayesian models
including mixtures, spatio-temporal models, hidden Markov models and
experimental design, and computational approaches including Markov chain
Monte Carlo and Approximate Bayesian Computation. This hands-on course pays
equivalent attention to theory and application, foundation and frontiers in
Bayesian modelling and analysis. While the focus of the case studies is on
sport, both sporting novices and lovers of sports are welcome, noting that
the learning obtained in the course will be widely applicable to many other

Day 1: Lectures on introduction to Bayesian modelling and computation.
Presentation of Problem 1: ranking and benchmarking athletes. Discussion
and implementation of potential Bayesian hierarchical models and
computational solutions. Communication of results.
Day 2: Lectures on foundational Bayesian theory. Presentation of Problem 3:
modelling swimmers' effective work per stroke. Discussion and
implementation of potential Bayesian high dimensional regression models and
computational solutions. Communication of results. Presentation of Problem
4: modelling cyclists' wearable data. Discussion and implementation of
potential (marked) time series models and computational solutions.
Communication of results.
Day 3: Lectures on foundational Bayesian computation. Presentation of
Problem 5: optimising athletes' resilience. Discussion and implementation
of potential Bayesian mixture models to relate performance, fatigue and
recovery. Communication of results.
Day 4: Lectures on foundational Bayesian computation and frontier Bayesian
theory. Presentation of Problem 6: optimal sampling strategies. Discussion
and implementation of potential Bayesian experimental design methods for
acquiring data from athletes. Presentation of Problem 7: using video data
to compare planned and set play in team sports. Discussion and
implementation of potential Bayesian spatio-temporal models. Communication
of results.
Day 5: Lectures on frontier Bayesian computation. Finalisation of problems
1-7. Extensions. Concluding remarks.

The school will replicate the successful format of the previous years, and
will feature lectures and practical sessions (run by a junior researcher),
as well as participants' talks. It will start on Monday after lunch and end
on Friday before lunch; Wednesday afternoon is free. Accommodation is
available either at the Villa guesthouse or in downtown hotels (info will
appear soon on the website). Como can be easily reached by train from Milan
and its airports. More details are available on the website.


Dr. Raffaele Argiento

University of Torino and Collegio Carlo Alberto

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