[Forum SIS] The First European Causal Inference Meeting, Florence, April 2018 - Save the date!

etesti enrico.testi a pin.unifi.it
Gio 16 Nov 2017 09:43:27 CET

Dear all,

We are pleased to announce that after five successful editions of the
UK-CIM, the first European Causal Inference Meeting (EuroCIM) will take
place in Florence, Italy, in 2018. Conference dates are Wednesday April 11
to Friday April 13 2018, with pre-conference short courses being offered on
Tuesday April 10 2018.


The EuroCIM 2018 <http://eurocim2018.arcolab.org/>  is organized by the
Department of Statistics, Computer Science, Applications (DiSIA
<https://www.disia.unifi.it/> )  and ARCO <http://www.arcolab.org/en/>  of
the University of Florence, Italy.

The meeting will be focused on ³Causal Inference in Health, Economic and
Social Sciences² and will include keynote addresses from:
* Donald Rubin <https://statistics.fas.harvard.edu/people/donald-b-rubin>
(Harvard University)
* Vanessa Didelez 
rships.html>  (University of Bremen)
* Michael Hudgens <http://sph.unc.edu/adv_profile/michael-hudgens-phd/>
(University of North Carolina)
The conference will also feature short presentations and a poster section
that will give researchers and practitioners the opportunity to show their
Moreover, on April 10 2018 four workshops will be offered:
Full day workshop:
* Workshop A ­ Daniel Rhian
<https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/788230-daniel-rhian>  (Cardiff
University) ­ Topic: Causal Inference for Newcomers
Three-hour workshops:
* Workshop B - Johannes Textor <http://johannes-textor.name/>  (Radboud
University Medical Center ­ Topic: DAGitty
* Workshop C ­ Fabrizia Mealli
<http://www.arcolab.org/en/team-details/fabrizia-mealli/>  (University of
Florence) ­ Topic: Principal Stratification
* Workshop D - Guido Imbens
(Stanford Graduate School of Business) ­Topics: Machine Learning and Causal
For more info on the meeting, the fees, how to register and submit an
abstract please visit: http://eurocim2018.arcolab.org/
For enquiries about EuroCIM2018 please email info a eurocim2018.arcolab.org

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