[Forum SIS] monDay 13th nOveMber - vENice econometrICs wOrkshop

Massimiliano Caporin massimiliano.caporin a unipd.it
Gio 2 Nov 2017 14:45:54 CET

*monDay 13th nOveMber - vENice econometrICs wOrkshop*

*We are happy to annouce this one-day workshop in honor of Domenico
Sartore. The workshop will aim at presenting to the large community of
scientists researching in quantitative economics some recent results
obtained by the Econometrics group at Ca' Foscari University of Venice in
the analysis of latent variable models and high dimensional stochastic
models with applications to economics and finance. *

*Domenico Sartore greatly contributed to the field of time series
econometrics and to the development of the econometric community in Italy.
Since the beginning of his career in academia he showed a unique talent in
attracting a huge number of students, turning them into leading scholars
that keep contributing to the area of Econometrics both in academia and out
of academia.*

*The workshop will feature many contributions by young researchers,
discussions from colleagues and former students of Domenico and an invited
seminar by Matteo Barigozzi.  The main topics will be: stochastic
volatility, factor models, regimes switching models, temporal networks,
graphical models, Bayesian methods, systemic risk, and business cycle
analysis.We will be delighted if you can join us and congratulate
Domenico.For organisation reasons, please confirm your presence Kind
regards,Monica Billio (billio a unive.it <billio a unive.it>)Massimiliano
CaporinRoberto Casarin*
*Loriana PelizzonFrancesco Ravazzolo*

Massimiliano Caporin
Professor of Economic Statistics
University of Padova
Department of Statistical Sciences

Address: Via Cesare Battisti, 241 - 35121 Padova - Italy
Contacts: massimiliano.caporin a unipd.it; ph. +39-049-8274199; Skype

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