[Forum SIS] Cladag2017 - deadline 31 March for paper submission

Francesca Greselin francesca.greselin a unimib.it
Lun 27 Mar 2017 22:59:38 CEST

The list of Invited Sessions for the Cladag2017 International Conference
<http://www.cladag2017.unimib.it/>, including three exciting Keynote Talks,
given by Antony Davison, J. Sunil Rao and Roberto Rocci, are currently

Researchers interested in *classification, clustering, data analysis,
multivariate analysis, computational statistics and their applications *are
invited to participate.

The conference will take place at the University of Milano-Bicocca in
Milan, from 13-15 September.

Invited sessions will include:

Statistical models for complex extremes

Classified Mixed Model Prediction

New methods for clustering ordinal data

Classification models in economics and business
Advances in Classification and Clustering of Complex Data

Network Analysis with applications on biological, financial and
social networks
Advances in Functional data analysis
Heterogeneity and new statistical models

Advances in Ordinal and Preference Data
Advances in Biostatistics

Innovative applications of multidimensional scaling and related techniques

Latent class analysis

Classification and Visualization

Advances in Credit Risk Modeling

Robust Clustering

Designing clinical trials

Big data and Design of Experiments

Submissions for contributed, as well as invited talks, are currently open
<http://www.cladag2017.unimib.it/registration-and-submission/submission/>, with
a deadline of *31 March*.  Talks can be one any topic related to
statistics, data classification and the analysis of data.  Submissions for
posters are also welcomed.

Registration for the conference is open
early booking discounts available until *30 May*.

Francesca Greselin
Chair of the Organizing Committee
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