[Forum SIS] SIS2017 - Intermediate Scientific Meeting of the ITALIAN STATISTICAL SOCIETY - Last call for papers

Emanuela Dreassi dreassi a disia.unifi.it
Gio 9 Mar 2017 08:01:28 CET

*Last call for papers*

*SIS2017 - Intermediate Scientific Meeting of the ITALIAN STATISTICAL 
*"*/Statistics and Data Science: new challenges, new generations/*"*
/University of Florence/, June 28-30, 2017



          *We remind that the final deadline for submissions is March, 10.*

        Best regards,

        the SIS2017 Local Organizing Committee


Emanuela Dreassi
Presidente del Corso di laurea Triennale in Statistica
Dipartimento di Statistica, Informatica, Applicazioni "G. Parenti" DiSIA
Universita' di Firenze
Viale G.B. Morgagni, 59
I 50134 Firenze Italia
tel (+39) 055 275 1551
cel (+39) 3204209088
skype emanuela.dreassi
email dreassi a disia.unifi.it

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