Alessandro Fassò alessandro.fasso a unibg.it
Mer 21 Giu 2017 15:31:02 CEST

The Environmental Statistics Lab at the University of Bergamo (www.unibg.it)
is looking for a post-doc researcher to support activities in the frame of
statistical methods for climate measurements.

APPLICATION DETAILS: https://www.unibg.it/ateneo/concorsi-e-selezioni/


POSITION: Renewable 2-years post-doc contract (salary 20’400euros/year).

WORKING PLACE: The Environmental Statistics Lab – UNIBG is part of the
Department of Management, Information and Production Engineering and is
located in Dalmine, Bergamo in Northern Italy about 40km to Milan (

RESEARCH TOPIC: “Statistical modelling of atmospheric profiles”


INFO: alessandro.fasso a unibg.it

PROJECT AIMS:   The project intends to develop the spatio-temporal models
for functional data with the purpose of modelling the humidity and
temperature data of RAOB/GUAN/GRAUN networks and identifying the
information gaps in geographic space, in time and with respect to the
regions of the atmosphere.

The project also intends to monitor the progress of the RIVAL campaign,
aiming at the understanding the field difference between the two VAISALA
instruments and at producing harmonized global time series based on the old
instrument, for GRUAN, GUAN and RAOB networks.

METHODS: This project involves the development of methods and statistical
models starting from the results obtained from the environmental statistics
group within the functional regression heteroschedastic (Fassò et al.,
2014, Ignaccolo et al, 2015).

In addition, with regard to problems related to the spatial and temporal
correlation, it is expected to use and extend the techniques for functional
data currently under development in the GAIA-CLIM project (www.gaia-cli.eu)
that extend to the functional case spatiotemporal modelling (Calculli et
al, 2015, Finazzi and Fassò, 2014).

Particular attention is given to the non-Euclidean structure of the problem
domain that comprises a sphere x time x atmosphere.

Alessandro Fassò
President-Elect of the International Environmetrics Society
Professor of Statistics
University of Bergamo
Via Marconi 5,   24044 Dalmine BG I,   Italy

*Office*:  tel.  +39 035 2052 323,   fax. +39 035 2052 310
*Personal* *fax*. +39 035 7423 1165
Cell.  +39 338 8026 616
email: alessandro.fasso a unibg.it,
*Skype*: alessandro.fasso,
homepage ITA:  www.unibg.it/pers/alessandro.fasso
homepage ENG:  *http://www.unibg.it/en/alessandro.fasso
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