[Forum SIS] bando di dottorato XXXIII Ciclo UNIME

Edoardo Otranto eotranto a unime.it
Mer 26 Lug 2017 20:57:44 CEST

Cari Tutti, 
con la preghiera di massima diffusione: 
annuncio la pubblicazione del bando del XXXIII Ciclo di Dottorato in Economics, Management and Statistics delle Università di Messina e Catania. Potete trovarlo al seguente link: 

Di seguito una breve descrizione del dottorato in oggetto: 
The Ph.D. in Economics, Management and Statistics is a 3 year graduate program jointly organized by the University of Messina and the University of Catania. The faculty is composed of 34 experts in Economics, Management, Merceology, Mathematics, Econometrics and Statistics coming from three Universities in Sicily: Messina, Catania and Palermo. The faculty includes also two Ph.D. honorary Professors: Prof. Lucrezia Reichlin (London Business School), Prof. Shaker Zahra (University of Minnesota) 
The main research areas of faculty members and Ph.D. students include international economics, economic of growth, applied econometrics, applied mathematics and statistics, financial econometrics, strategic management, environmental economics, public economics, urban economics. To date, 34 students are enrolled in the Ph.D. program: 10 first year students (XXXII edition), 9 second year students (XXXI edition) and 15 third year students (XXX edition). Among the students, 6 are international. During the first year, the students attend two pre-courses, Mathematics and Statistics, and 5 “core” courses, characterizing the curriculum chosen. Students of the second and third year are offered a large number of “topic” courses on a variety of research interests that characterize the profile of the faculty members. Thanks to the international connections of the faculty members, more than half of the second and third year students choose to spend visiting periods abroad at international universities and research institutions. 
It is expected that, at the end of the third year, the students will end their supervised original research work, that will be presented in the final examination. 
The official language of the Ph.D. program is English. 

Saluti a tutti 
Edoardo Otranto 
Edoardo Otranto 
Full Professor of Statistics 
Department of Economics 
University of Messina 
Homepage: https://sites.google.com/site/edoardootranto/ 
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