[Forum SIS] PhD in Data Science

Stefano Marchetti stefano.marchetti a unipi.it
Dom 9 Lug 2017 16:03:09 CEST


vi segnalo questa interessante iniziativa di corso di dottorato congiunto tra Università di Pisa, Scuola Normale, Sant’Anna, IMT e CNR di Pisa. Vi prego di darne diffusioni agli interessati.

Joint PhD in Data Science -  Scuola Normale, Scuola Sant'Anna, Università di Pisa, Scuola IMT-Lucca, CNR 

The Ph.D. in Data Science is aimed at educating the new generation of researchers that combine their disciplinary competences with those of a “data scientist”, 
able to exploit data and models for advancing knowledge in their own disciplines, or across diverse disciplines. 
To this purpose, the Ph.D. in Data Science develops a mix of knowledge and skills on the methods and technologies for the management of large,
 heterogeneous and complex data, for data sensing (how to harvest data), for data analysis and mining (how to make sense of data), 
for data visualization and storytelling (how to narrate data), for understanding the ethical issues and the social impact of Data Science. 

Applications from graduate students from any discipline are welcome. 

The successful candidate is expected to possess a solid motivation and personal preparation, and a strong propensity towards quantitative studies in own field.

For the competition in Data Science applications for admission to the selection process must be registered on-line by 23:59 CET of 31 August 2017.
Details at http://phd.sns.it/data-science/ <http://phd.sns.it/data-science/>​

Stefano Marchetti PhD
Researcher in Statistics
University of Pisa
Department of Economics and Management
Via C. Ridolfi, 10 - 56124 Pisa (PI) - Italy
stefano.marchetti a unipi.it <mailto:stefano.marchetti a unipi.it>
Ph (+39) 050 2216320

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