[Forum SIS] DEC (Bocconi) Statistics Seminar - January 10th

Isadora Antoniano isadora.antoniano a unibocconi.it
Lun 9 Gen 2017 13:51:34 CET

We are glad to announce the following seminar:

*Tuesday, January 10th*

Bocconi University,
Room 3-E4-SR03
Via Rontgen 1 - 3rd floor

Time: *2:30 pm*

*Nicholas Polson*(The University of Chicago Booth School of Business)

*Deep Learning Predictors for Traffic Flows*

We develop deep learning predictors for modeling traffic flows. The
challenge to modeling traffic flows arises from sharp nonlinearities due to
transitions from free flow to breakdown and to congestion. Our methodology
constructs a deep learning architecture to capture nonlinear
spatio-temporal flow effects. We show how traffic flow data from road
sensors can be predicted using deep learning. We illustrated our
methodology on traffic data from Chicago's Interstate I-55 and we forecast
traffic flows during two special events, a Chicago Bears football game and
a snowstorm. Both examples lead to a sharp traffic flow regime which can
occur very suddenly and we show how deep learning tackles short term
traffic forecasting in an efficient manner. Finally, we discuss directions
for future research.
Joint work with Vadim Sokolov.

The DEC statistics seminars schedule is available at


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Isadora Antoniano Villalobos

Assistant Professor
DEC - Department of Decision Sciences,
Bocconi University, via Guglielmo Röntgen 1 (3rd floor, room D1-16). 20136,
email: isadora.antoniano a unibocconi.it

Web page: http://faculty.unibocconi.eu/isadoraantonianovillalobos
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