[Forum SIS] Cladag Summer School on Clustering and Classification

Cinzia Viroli cinzia.viroli a unibo.it
Mer 4 Gen 2017 13:13:40 CET

International Summer School
On Clustering and Classification

We are glad to announce the Summer School on Clustering and Classification, which will be held at Rimini Campus, University of Bologna on May, 22nd-26th, 2017.
The summer school - organised by the CLADAG (the classification group of the Italian Statistical Society) - is designed to introduce clustering and classification methods to advanced undergraduate students, PhD students and postdoctoral researchers that are interested in the topic.

For information and registration please visit: https://events.unibo.it/CladagSchool

For further information: stat.cladagschool a unibo.it<mailto:stat.cladagschool a unibo.it>

With my best regards,

Cinzia Viroli

Cinzia Viroli
Associate Professor in Statistics
Department of Statistical Sciences "Paolo Fortunati"
University of Bologna
Via delle Belle Arti 41
40126 Bologna
Ph.  +39 051 2098214
Fax  +39 051 232153


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