[Forum SIS] Seminario Prof. Fidalgo 10-3-2017

Dip. Scienze Statistiche - Mi dip.scienzestatistiche a unicatt.it
Ven 24 Feb 2017 10:33:52 CET

Il Dipartimento di Scienze statistiche dell'Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore ha organizzato un seminario, presentato dal Prof. Jesus Lopez Fidalgo, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, dal titolo:

Experimental Design for modeling the flow of particles

Venerdì 10 Marzo dalle ore 11,30

in Aula G. 125

Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore - Milano

Largo Gemelli,1


Materials in granular form are widely used, having a great importance in the chemical, food, agricultural and pharmaceutical industries.

During the discharge of a two-dimensional silo, the flow of grains through an orifice is arrested if the size of the outlet is not large enough. In the outpouring of grains, jamming occurs due to the formation of an arch at the outlet. After a jam, an input of energy (blowing, shaking or tapping) is necessary to break the blocking arch and restart the flow.

Then, the grains fall until a new arch is formed. Several models have been proposed to explain this process. In this talk, optimal experimental designs will be given for some models proposed by Jandaetal. (2008) and To (2005).

Design for discriminating between these models will also be provided.

Segreteria Organizzativa:
Barbara Villa
Dipartimento di Scienze statistiche
Edificio Lanzone, 18
Dip.scienzestatistiche at unicatt.it<mailto:Dip.scienzestatistiche at unicatt.it>
Tel. +39 02 7234 2647
Fax +39 02 7234 3064

Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Largo Gemelli 1, 20123 Milano

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