[Forum SIS] remind: International Biometric Society - EMR-Italian Region Metteing Thessalonicco

Di Serio Clelia diserio.clelia a unisr.it
Lun 13 Feb 2017 15:21:59 CET

Carissime/i Soci,

volevo segnalare l¡¯estensione della deadline - fino al 20febbraio ¨C per la call degli Abstract del Convegno di Salonicco dell¡¯International Biometric Society (EMR-IR) . Un¡¯attenzione a due fattori  molto interessanti soprattutto per i giovani (ricordiamo che l¡¯iscrizione all¡¯IBS per gli studenti ¨¨ gratuita):  lo student award (http://www.stat-athens.aueb.gr/~emribs/page/EMR2017/awards.htm) per il migliore abstract che mette a disposizione fino a 1000 euro di rimborsi totali spese e lo Special Issue del Biometrical Journal dal titolo preliminare ¡°Predictive biostatistics models in Health¡± per il quale verranno selezionati 12-14 contributi. Rimando la call aggiornata qui di seguito  e spero che si riusciranno ad apportare buon numero di  contributi italiani. Ricordo anche che l¡¯iscrizione alla Regione Italiana dell¡¯IBS automaticamente implica l¡¯iscrizione a tutta l¡¯International Biometric Society con tutti i relativi benefits.

Al convegno si prevede una partecipazione di 150-160 partecipanti circa. Un caro saluto.

Clelia Di Serio

President of IBS-IR (Italian Region)

9th EMR  and Italian Region  of IBS  conference, Thessaloniki, Greece,

  8-12 May 2017

Second Call for abstracts (Deadline 11/2/2017) - Registration is open http://www.stat-athens.aueb.gr/~emribs/page/emr2017.html

We are glad to  announce the 9th Eastern Mediterranean Region  and Italian Region  of the international Biometric Society Conference in

Thessaloniki, Greece at 8-12 May 2017.  As always,  we aim at

bringing together researchers from around the world in this beautiful place. Thessaloniki is perhaps the best city to spread the message of the EMR being an international city, crossroad of different civilizations, and with long history related to all country members of EMR. Thessaloniki is also a  beautiful city combining a  lot of different activities and sightseeing.

*             Abstract submission is open. The deadline for submission of

abstracts is 11th of February 2017

*             The registration is already open.

*             Have a look on the  planned  short courses for Monday 8th of May

*             We plan a special issue in Biometrical Journal for selected papers

from the conference, undergoing the usual review process of the journal.

The entire meeting is devoted to the memory of Prof Marvin Zelen (Harvard University) a keen supported of EMR, who passed away in November 2014.

Details about the meeting are already available at the web-site of the meeting http://stat-athens.aueb.gr/~emribs/page/emr2017.html

The deadline for submitting the abstract is 11/02/2017.

Note that the weekend before the conference (7-8 ¦¬ay 2017) there will be  a symposium honoring Marvin Zelen at the same place (details here

http://www.frontier-science.gr/?cat=6 )

Hope to see you in Thessaloniki

On Behalf of Scientific Committee

Clelia Di Serio

President of IBS-IR (Italian Region)

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