[Forum SIS] Short course “Multilevel longitudinal network analysis” - Naples, 15 May 2017

Maria Prosperina VITALE mvitale a unisa.it
Mer 8 Feb 2017 15:08:44 CET


SHORT COURSE “_Multilevel longitudinal network analysi_s" 

Naples, 15 May 2017 


A short course on "_Multilevel longitudinal network analysi_s" will be
offered on May 15, 2017. The course is a satellite of the ARS'17
International Workshop on _Challenges in Social network research_.

INSTRUCTOR: The course will be taught by Tom Snijders, _University of
Groningen and Oxford University_. 

TOPICS treated will be the analysis of panel data on multiple 'parallel'
networks, and on 'multilevel networks' defined as networks composed of
subnetworks with nodes of different types (e.g., co-evolution of
one-mode and two-mode networks). 

The course is limited to 40 ATTENDANTS. Selection of attendants will be
based on registration time and on examination of CV by the scientific

PREREQUISITES for the course are a basic knowledge of stochastic
actor-oriented models, and a knowledge of the basic concepts of Bayesian
statistics. Computer software will be used as instructional tool. Some
experience with the RSiena package in R will be helpful. 


Advisable to read: 

 	* Tom A.B. Snijders, Gerhard G. van de Bunt, and Christian E.G.
Steglich (2010). Introduction to actor-based models for network
dynamics. Social Networks, 32, 44-60.
 	* Tom A.B. Snijders (2016). The Multiple Flavours of Multilevel Issues
for Networks. Chapter 2 (pp. 15-46) in Emmanuel Lazega
 	* Tom A.B. Snijders (eds.), Multilevel Network Analysis for the Social
Sciences, Cham: Springer, 2016

Visit: http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~snijders/siena/ 


To apply for the short course fill up the registration form [1] and send
a CV to ars17 a unisa.it 


Undergraduate/Graduate students                EUR 60 

Others                                                       EUR 80 

Conference Centre FEDERICO II [2] 
Via Partenope, 36
80121 Naples-Italy 



[1] http://www.ars17.unisa.it/form
[2] http://www.centrocongressi.unina.it/sala_partenope.php?on=3
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