[Forum SIS] Seminario 4 maggio Dott. Corani

Dip. Scienze Statistiche - Mi dip.scienzestatistiche a unicatt.it
Mer 26 Apr 2017 10:35:50 CEST

Il Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche dell'Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore ha organizzato un seminario, presentato dal Dott. Giorgio Corani, Università della Svizzera Italiana, dal titolo:

Bayesian comparison of classifiers and Learning Bayesian networks with bounded treewidth

Giovedì 4 Maggio dalle ore 11,30

in Aula NI 112

Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore - Milano

Via Nirone, 15


Usually one compares the accuracy of two competing classifiers via null hypothesis significance tests (nhst). Yet the nhst tests suffer from important shortcomings, which can be overcome by switching to Bayesian hypothesis testing. We discuss a Bayesian hierarchical model which jointly analyzes the cross-validation results obtained by two classifiers on multiple data sets.

Most structural learning approaches for Bayesian networks  do not bound the treewidth k of the DAG. Yet this is very important, since the time-complexity of inference grows exponentially with k.

We present algorithms for learning bounded treewidth Bayesian networks, which scale up to thousands of variables.

Segreteria Organizzativa:
Barbara Villa
Dipartimento di Scienze statistiche
Edificio Lanzone, 18
Dip.scienzestatistiche at unicatt.it<mailto:Dip.scienzestatistiche at unicatt.it>
Tel. +39 02 7234 2647
Fax +39 02 7234 3064

Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Largo Gemelli 1, 20123 Milano

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