[Forum SIS] DEI - Università di Catania: AVVISO DI SEMINARI

antonio punzo antonio.punzo a unict.it
Mer 14 Set 2016 10:51:07 CEST


Il Dipartimento di Economia e Impresa dell’Università di Catania ha
organizzato il seminario:

*Generalized linear mixed models based on latent Markov heterogeneity

*Alessio Farcomeni*

*Department of Public Health and Infectious Diseases*

*Sapienza - University of Rome*

Lunedì 19 Settembre dalle ore 16:00

In Aula 8, Palazzo delle Scienze

Università di Catania

Palazzo delle Scienze, Corso Italia, 55, Catania


We describe a generalized linear mixed model in which all random effects
may evolve over time. Random effects have a discrete support and follow a
first-order Markov chain. Constraints control the size of the parameter
space and possibly yield blocks of time-constant random effects. We
illustrate with an application to the relationship between health education
and depression in a panel of adolescents, where the random effects are high
dimensional and separately evolve over time.

I colleghi interessati sono cordialmente invitati a partecipare.

Antonio Punzo

Antonio Punzo, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Statistics
University of Catania
Department of Economics and Business
Corso Italia 55, 95129 Catania - Italy

Office: +39 095 7537640
e-mail: antonio.punzo a unict.it
URL: http://www.economia.unict.it/punzo
Skype: antoniopunzo81
Web: google scholar
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