[Forum SIS] Statistics in Sports - Special Issue of EJASA - reminder

Marica Manisera marica.manisera a unibs.it
Mer 12 Ott 2016 11:07:57 CEST

This is a kind reminder about the Special issue of EJASA, devoted to 
Statistics in Sports.
The deadline (*November, 15*) is approaching!
We hope that you are considering our invitation to submit a paper.
Details are below and in the attached pdf.

Please, share this information with anyone who might be interested. 
Thank you!

A/pologies for cross-posting//

A Special Issue of EJASA (open access journal indexed in SCOPUS and
Thomson Reuters Web of Science™ Core Collection - Emerging Sources 
Citation Index,
http://siba-ese.unisalento.it/index.php/ejasa) is
devoted to *Statistics in Sports*.

In the last decades the idea of a statistical thinking in sports has 
gained a rapidly growing interest, as
documented by the wide scientific production on this theme and also by 
the publication of some insightful
collections of statistical analyses applied to data from a wide range of 
sports, including American football,
baseball, basketball, ice hockey and many others.

This special issue is aimed at collecting qualified research papers that 
propose developments of new
statistical methods of sport analytics and/or give new insights into 
sports through any type of statistical
technique (exploratory statistics, data mining, machine learning, 
statistical models for prediction,
visualization, big and open data,…). Papers about any sport are welcome, 
including non professional sports.

The papers’ length must be 10-14 pages and follow the Editorial Standard 

The deadline for the submission is *November 15, 2016*. All the 
submitted manuscripts will go
through a two-round peer-review process, and the Special Issue will be 
published by 2017.

/Guest Editors/
Paola Zuccolotto, University of Brescia
Marica Manisera, University of Brescia
Ron Kenett, KPA Group and University of TorinoSee the attached pdf for 


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