[Forum SIS] Call for Papers: “Matching, weighting and related techniques for the estimation of causal effects”, Session at the 7th ESRA Conference, Lisbon (Portugal), 17-21 July 2017

Arpino, Bruno bruno.arpino a upf.edu
Lun 7 Nov 2016 12:34:36 CET

Subject: Call for Papers: “*Matching, weighting and related techniques for
the estimation of causal effects*”*, *Session at the 7th ESRA Conference,
Lisbon (Portugal), 17-21 July 2017.

Organizer: Bruno Arpino, Department of Political and Social Sciences and
The Research and Expertise Centre for Survey Methodology (RECSM)
Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Dear colleagues,

The 7th Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA) will
take place on July 17-21 July 2017 in Lisbon (Portugal).

I invite you to submit an abstract (max. 500 words) to the session:
weighting and related techniques for the estimation of causal effects*” of
which I am the convenor.

*Session description:*

Propensity score matching (PSM) has become a popular technique in several
fields as it has been proven to be more robust than standard parametric
regression models for the estimation of causal effects. Related techniques
such as weighting and stratification on the propensity score have also been
widely used. Combinations of these techniques are also possible. Moreover,
it has been shown that estimators that combine propensity score based
methods and regression adjustment are “doubly robust”. Matching algorithms
alternative to PSM are also available to the investigators (coarsened exact
matching, entropy matching, etc).

Despite the flourishing methodological and applied research on the
abovementioned techniques, a lot of methodological work still needs to be
done to identify optimal ways of specifying the propensity score model,
analyzing covariates balance, treat missing data and measurement error,
etc. Moreover, given all the different available techniques, methodological
works is needed to clarify what method should be preferred and under what

The panel will focus on recent developments in propensity score methods and
alternative techniques that address one or more of the previous issues.
Submissions regarding innovative use of these methods in applied works are
also welcome.

To submit an abstract, visit the conference website at
http://www.europeansurveyresearch.org/conference and follow the
instructions. To submit an abstract to the session “*Matching, weighting
and related techniques for the estimation of causal effects*” you have to
select this session from the list of sessions provided in the submission
form within the area “*Data analysis and statistical models*”. You may
submit a maximum of two abstracts on which you are listed as presenting

The closing date for the submission of abstracts is 4th December 2016.

Kind regards,

Bruno Arpino

Department of Political and Social Sciences and The Research and Expertise
Centre for Survey Methodology (RECSM) Universitat Pompeu Fabra

*Bruno Arpino*

Department of Political and Social Sciences and The Research and Expertise
Centre for Survey Methodology (RECSM), Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Carrer Ramon Trias Fargas 25-27 | 08005 - Barcelona
Website: https://sites.google.com/site/brunoarpino/
Twitter:   https://twitter.com/brunoarpinoBCN


Selected recent publications:

   - *Arpino B.*, and Bordone V. (forthcoming) Regular provision of
   grandchild care and participation in social activities, *Review of
   Economics of the Household
   - Bordone V., *Arpino B.,* and Aassve A. (forthcoming) Patterns of
   grandparental childcare across Europe: the role of the policy context and
   working mothers’ need,* Ageing & Society
   - *Arpino B., *and Cannas, M. (2016) Propensity score matching with
   clustered data. An application to the estimation of the impact of caesarean
   section on the Apgar score, *Statistics in Medicine
   <http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/wol1/doi/10.1002/sim.6880/full>. *35(12),
   - *Arpino B.,* and Mattei, A. (2016) Assessing the Causal Effects of
   Financial Aids to Firms in Tuscany allowing for Interference, The Annals
   of Applied Statistics
<http://projecteuclid.org/euclid.aoas/1475069604>, 10(3),
   - *Balbo N., and Arpino B. (2016) The role of family orientations in
   shaping the effect of fertility on subjective well-being: a propensity
   score matching analysis, Demography
   <http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13524-016-0480-z>, 53(4),
   - Aassve A., Arpino B., Balbo N. (2016) It takes two to tango: couples'
   happiness and childbearing, European Journal of Population
   <http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10680-016-9385-1>, 32(3),

[image: Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona]
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