[Forum SIS] Summer School on Impact Evaluation Methodologies

Alessandra Mattei mattei a disia.unifi.it
Gio 19 Maggio 2016 16:56:28 CEST

Dear all,

it is a pleasure to announce the 2nd edition of ARCO’s Summer School
 on Impact Evaluation Methodologies.

The summer school will be held in Florence (Italy) September 12th-
15th September 2016.

Prof. Donald Rubin (Harvard University), Prof. Fabrizia Mealli
(Università di Firenze) and Ilf Bencheikh (J-PAL - Europe) ) will be
among the instructors of the Summer School.

Participants will have the possibility to choose between two
different tracks: Global Development Economics & Policy and Public
Health & Epidemiology.

The summer school is for all those interested in methods for
evidence-based policy making. Participants will appraise
cutting-edge impact evaluation methodologies and acquire practical
knowledge on the main software for data analysis.

For further information about the program, the teachers and the
course fee, please click here: http://www.arcolab.org/2957-2/ or
send an email to carmela.nitti a arcolab.org

Yours Sincerely
Alessandra Mattei

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