[Forum SIS] DEC Statistics Seminar - March 31st

Raffaella Piccarreta raffaella.piccarreta a unibocconi.it
Ven 25 Mar 2016 01:33:46 CET

Dear all, we are glad to announce the next: 

DEC - Statistics Seminar 

Thursday, March 31st 

Bocconi University, 

Room 3-E4-SR03 

Via Rontgen 1 - 3rd floor 

Time: 12:30 pm 

Sara Wade (The University of Warwick) 

" Bayesian cluster analysis: Point estimation and credible balls " 


Clustering is widely studied in statistics and machine learning, with applications in a variety of fields. As opposed to classical algorithms which return a single clustering solution, Bayesian nonparametric models provide a posterior over the entire space of partitions, allowing one to assess statistical properties, such as uncertainty on the number of clusters. However, an important problem is how to summarize the posterior; the huge dimension of partition space and difficulties in visualizing it add to this problem. In a Bayesian analysis, the posterior of a real-valued parameter of interest is often summarized by reporting a point estimate such as the posterior mean along with 95% credible intervals to characterize uncertainty. In this paper, we extend these ideas to develop appropriate point estimates and credible sets to summarize the posterior of clustering structure based on decision and information theoretic techniques. 


Kind regards, 

Raffaella Piccarreta and Isadora Antoniano 

The DEC statistics seminars schedule is available at http://www.unibocconi.eu/statseminar 


If you are a guest and you do not have a Bocconi ID Card to access to the Bocconi Buildings, please confirm your participation by sending an email to martina.ercoli a unibocconi.it 
In addition, we suggest to print, fill out and send the attached form (to give your consent to personal data handling) via email to the same address. In this way, the check-in procedure at the entrance will be faster and easier. 

Raffaella Piccarreta 
Prof. Associato - Statistica 
DEC - Department of Decision Sciences, 
Universita' L.Bocconi, via Guglielmo Röntgen 1 (3rd floor, room D1-09). 20136, Milano. 
email: piccarreta a unibocconi.it 
tel. +39-02-58365659 / fax +39-02-58365630 

Web page (ENGLISH VERSION): http://faculty.unibocconi.eu/raffaellapiccarreta/ 
(ITALIAN VERSION): http://faculty.unibocconi.it/raffaellapiccarreta/ 
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