[Forum SIS] Assegno di ricerca di un anno a UNIBO

Carfagna Elisabetta elisabetta.carfagna a unibo.it
Dom 20 Mar 2016 20:46:11 CET

Cari Colleghi,

Vi prego di diffondere l’informazione che il 17 marzo è stato pubblicato il
bando per un assegno di ricerca di un anno a UNIBO, del quale sono tutor,
dal titolo *“*Development of 3 comprehensive curricula and learning
materials related to geospatial information and technology for agriculture
statistics, monitoring and environment impact assessment for multipurpose


La scadenza per le domande è 07/04/2016 ore 12:00.

The selection is open to candidates in possession of the following

Master Degree / specialist or old system or equivalent in Statistics with
appropriate scientific and professional curriculum.

Competences/requirements laid down for candidates: Fluency in english.

L’assegno prevede 2 fasi:

Phase I.

The first phase of the research project concerns the review of methods
already developed for using geospatial information and technology for
agriculture statistics and monitoring, for agri-environmental statistics
and for assessing the impact of agricultural change on the environment. The
aim is to enhance and improve current agriculture systems for the integral
use of remotely sensed data into existing data collection, analysis, and
dissemination systems and to develop complementary systems to enable the
integration of satellite remotely sensed data and improve field estimates
for area and yield forecasting and estimation as well as continuous crop
status monitoring.

This phase of the research goals to enhance Pakistan institutions capacity
related to agriculture monitoring and statistics by integrate use of remote
sensing through the development of the content of 3 curricula, aiming to
strengthen the capacities of the institutions of Pakistan (under the
GCP/PAK/125/USA) and not only.

The main topics include:

   -  crop forecasting and estimation,
   - data collection, integration of field data with geospatial information
   for analysis, estimates and forecasts,
   - production of reports with actionable information using both field
   data and remotely sensed data
   - improvement of crop yield estimation and forecasting.

Phase II.

The aim of the second phase of this research project is improving the
methods adopted for using geospatial information and technology for
agriculture statistics and monitoring, for agri-environmental statistics
and for assessing the impact of agricultural change on the environment.


Cari saluti,

Elisabetta Carfagna

Elisabetta Carfagna

Full Professor of Statistics

University of Bologna

Department of Statistical Sciences

Email: elisabetta.carfagna a unibo.it

Mobile +39 329 4131226


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