[Forum SIS] Annuncio seminari

Anna Gottard gottard a disia.unifi.it
Ven 10 Giu 2016 11:02:19 CEST

DiSIA  (Dipartimento di Statistica, Informatica, Applicazioni “G. Parenti”)
Università di Firenze

28/06/2016 ore 11.30 

Xian-Kia Wang & Kwai-Sang Chin (Wuhan University, China & University of Hong Kong)  

Sharing on recent collaborative research work between MSE of Wuhan University and SEEM of City University of Hong Kong in Remanufacturing System and Healthcare Management.

Competitive Strategy in Remanufacturing and the Effects of Government Subsidy This presentation aims to report the research ideas and initial result of a national research project in China about the effective remanufacturing systems and its integrated management. We consider a single-period model comprised of an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) who produces only new products and a remanufacturer who collects used products from consumers and produces remanufactured products. The OEM and the remanufacturer compete in the product market. We examine the effects of government subsidy as a means to promote remanufacturing activity, particularly with subsidy to remanufacturer and consumers respectively. It is found that the government subsidy to both remanufacturer and consumer increases remanufacturing activity, while the subsidy to remanufacturer shows better result. It is because the subsidy to remanufacturer is resulted in lower price of remanufactured products, thus leading to higher consumer surplus and social welfare. (b) Emergency Healthcare Operations Management This presentation aims to report partial outcome of a research project entitled “Delivering 21st Century Healthcare in Hong Kong—Building a Quality-and-Efficiency Driven System”, particularly in the Emergency Department of a hospital. Emergency Department (ED) is a pivotal component in the social healthcare system, particularly in a highly dense city like Hong Kong. The ED management in Hong Kong has been long challenged by the high patient demands, manpower shortage, and unbalanced ED staff utilization. These problems, if not properly addressed, will be creating negative impact on the patient experience as well as staff morale. Based on the support of an ED of a main public hospital in Hong Kong, we have studied the patient arrival pattern and developed a forecasting and simulation model for ED managers to evaluate the current ED performance and suggest alternative ED operations for the ever-changing ED environment and patient demand.

Referente: Rossella Berni

Inoltre vi ricordo il seminario già annunciato

22/06/2016 ore 11.30

Peng Ding (Dept. of Statistics, University of California Berkeley)   

Sensitivity analysis with unmeasured confounding

- Part I: Cornfield’s inequalities and extensions to unmeasured confounding in observational studies 
- Part II: Cornfield’s inequalities and Rosenbaum’s design sensitivity in causal inference with observational studies

Referente: Fabrizia Mealli

Anna Gottard
Dipartimento di Statistica Informatica Applicazioni
Università di Firenze
V.le Morgagni 59, Firenze

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