[Forum SIS] Seminario Prof. Porcu all'Università di Bergamo

Alessandro Fasso' alessandro.fasso a unibg.it
Mar 5 Gen 2016 14:02:51 CET

ho il piacere di invitarvi al seguente seminario nell'ambito del progetto

11 gennaio ore 14:30, aula 21-B,
Dipartimento di Ingegneria gestionale, dell'informazione e della produzione
Viale Marconi 5, Dalmine BG

Prof. Emilio Porcu

*An introduction to statistical properties of stochastic functional data
indexed in space and time.*

Abstract: Functional Geostatistics has attracted the interest of many
researchers in the last ten years. After the tour de force by Ramón
Giraldo, spatial statistics of curves has become ubiquitous and many
applications have been proposed within this framework.
We revisit the functional geostatistical approach, considering a general
framework of a space-time domain, where space can be a subset of the
Euclidean space or the sphere, and where time can be continuos or discrete.
We revisit the architecture of such a stochastic process and then review
the statistical modeling strategy proposed in recent literature.
Interpolation of curves along space and time is then rephrased, according
to the setup proposed in Menafoglio and coauthors for Hilbert valued

Alessandro Fassò
President-Elect of the International Environmetrics Society
Professor of Statistics
University of Bergamo
Via Marconi 5,   24044 Dalmine BG I,   Italy

*Office*:  tel.  +39 035 2052 323,   fax. +39 035 2052 310
*Personal* *fax*. +39 035 7423 1165
Cell.  +39 338 8026 616
email: alessandro.fasso a unibg.it,
*Skype*: alessandro.fasso,
homepage ITA:  www.unibg.it/pers/?alessandro.fasso ,
homepage ENG:  *http://www00.unibg.it/struttura/en_struttura.asp?rubrica=1&persona=1181&nome=Alessandro&cognome=Fass%F2&titolo=Prof
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