[Forum SIS] JOB: 2 PhD positions in Biostatistics, Leiden, The Netherlands

Aldo Solari aldo.solari a unimib.it
Mer 17 Feb 2016 10:52:49 CET

The Department of Medical Statistics of the Leiden University Medical
Centre offers 2 PhD positions in Biostatistics.
Closing date for applications: 6 March 2016.

For further details:



As PhD student in Biostatistics you develop novel statistical methods for
application in medical data as part of the VIDI project “Prioritizing with
confidence”. We look for two PhD students for two distinct projects.

* Project 1: In this project you will focus one multiple testing issues in
(generalized linear) regression models, both high-dimensional and
low-dimensional. You will study high-dimensional confidence regions for
regression parameters, and their use in prediction and in interpreting
regression parameters.

* Project 2: is a project where you focus on the development of novel
statistical methods for quantification of uncertainty in rankings of
objects, such as arise for example in hospital quality data. This problem
will be considered in turn from a multiple testing perspective and from
empirical Bayes perspective based on shuffling of exchangeable objects.

As a PhD student you will be active in research, developing novel
methodology under supervision of Prof. Jelle Goeman and Dr. E. van Zwet
(Leiden University Medical Center) together with Dr. Aldo Solari
(University of Milano-Bicocca). You will present your results locally and
at international biostatistics conferences, and publish your results in
statistics journals and a PhD thesis. You will collaborate with biomedical
researchers and apply your methods on their data sets, and write software
to make your methods usable by others. You will also be involved in
teaching (bio)medical students.

With Best Regards,
 Jelle Goeman, Erik van Zwet and Aldo Solari
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