[Forum SIS] Fwd: Searching fot PhD candidates - announcement

enea giuseppe bongiorno enea.bongiorno a uniupo.it
Ven 30 Dic 2016 06:18:09 CET

Gent.mi colleghi,
ricevo ed inoltro l'annuncio di posizioni aperte all'Università di A Coruna.

Buone feste a tutti,

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ana Almécija Pereda <ana.almecija a udc.es>
Date: 29 December 2016 at 13:03
Subject: Searching fot PhD candidates - announcement
To: ana.almecija a udc.es

Dear Sir/Madam:

On behalf of professors Ricardo Cao Abad and Juan Vilar Fernández,
coordinators of the research group Modeling, Optimization and
Statistical Inference (MODES) of the University of A Coruña (UDC), I
forward the attached announcement in order to select candidates to
perform their PhD in the group MODES.

The profile of candidates is that of a graduate or an engineer with a
solid background in mathematics and sttistics, who has completed or is
completing a master's degree. He/she should be able to enroll in a
doctoral program in 2017, if possible in February.

Those selected may be hired under one of the research projects in force
in the MODES group. In addition, they will be able to request, together
with the MODES group, an aid for the training of university professors
(FPU), the Training and Mobility subprograms included in the State
Program for Promotion of Talent and their Employability, within the
framework of the Spanish State Plan Scientific and Technical Research
and Innovation 2013-2016.

Please, would you be so kind as to spread this announcement among
potential candidates? Do not hesitate to contact me for any further
information you may need.

Thank you very much in advance.

Kind regards,

Ana Almécija Pereda
Técnico de Gestión de Proyectos
Departamento de Matemáticas
Facultade de Informática
Universidade da Coruña
Campus de Elviña s/n
15071 A Coruña
Tfn: (+34) 981 167 000 (ext. 1308)
ana.almecija a udc.es
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